Intelligence chases me, but I am faster.
Small Brilliant Minds catalog (on tv)
our dear and beloved in television fiction, intelligence often goes hand in hand with some level of "social disability" as if the intellect excessive slumber in any way the ability to interact with society, is a resource that can provide endless opportunities to dramatic and comedy, including many more in that case.
I have here three examples, which are just a small sample, selected from series that I follow with interest and I really like:
In the first place we have Dr. Temperance Brennan, played by Emily Deschanel in Bones Series of research which is now in its sixth successful season.
is the absolute protagonist and the series refers to it in its title since "Bones" is the nickname he put his co-star, the FBI agent played by Booth the handsome David Boreanaz. Bright
bone specialist forensic anthropologist, working with the FBI's Homicide Department, is also a writer of best-sellers and never ashamed of his sharp intellect and ability to detect even the smallest details in a skeleton, even if you thousands of years old.
For her, the reason always prevails over feelings, and always governed by that principle. It also tends to annoy people because he always speaks his mind and does so without filters.
Booth is the perfect complement as he shows off what she lacks: It has the capacity to relate to people, intuition, common sense on pure science, is sentimental and very romantic. Cree in friendship, in God and in Love with a capital, but it is very clever in their own way.
Bones is very frank about their relationships and their sex life, does not bother to give details or consider their boyfriends as mere sexual partners, or ask people about such things.
Unlike his remarkable life, his family and private life are quite disastrous and sometimes has a hard time interacting with mortals, usually do not understand humor or sarcasm.
As a scientist, considers the social sciences a lower category, and hates psychology.
Work is his life and is always above all things.
may seem cold and not very human, but in reality only its outer shell or she built, the one who really sees it as is and has with all of your support is Booth.
Your romantic relationship will never progress because they think it would be unfair to him as Bones does not believe in love or mere social conventions such as marriage, children and all that.
The rest of the team is made up of people who are also brilliant in their area, but do not show the dichotomy present in Bones and which we are discussing today. Except in the case of Zach, who has his "weirdness" to end what about Sheldon.
In the second place we have Dr. Spencer Reid, played by Matthew Gray Gubler beautiful, in the series of research focusing on the work of behavior analysts Criminal Minds, which will also hit series in its sixth season.
Spencer police officer is not like other fellow, but he's a genius with an IQ of 187, has doctorates in mathematics, chemistry and engineering and knows a lot of sociology and psychology.
has something called eidetic memory, which is the ability to remember things seen and heard with perfect detail, you can read twenty thousand words a minute.
graduated 12 years and at that age he entered the University.
is an expert in statistics.
Unlike Bones or Sheldon, this character is very sensitive and shy, rarely use their intelligence as something that makes you not like higher and exhibited, it is not self-centered and is very insecure.
Its outward appearance is very appropriate to the character because the actor is very thin, which gives it a proper look fragile and sweet, almost childlike.
The other characters always tend to protect women and turn to him in a motherly.
Anything related to social life has a hard time as it is withdrawn and to have attended college, being only A child not helped, if not acquired the necessary social skills.
usually do great contrast in this way with Morgan, a man with vast experience in women, brash and alluring.
Her love life is almost zero, appearing in a chapter a romantic interest which will be handled in a rather clumsy.
usually is handled and has a great relationship and friendship with all team members, each excellent in the job.
One feature is that you do not like shaking hands with the people, germs, perhaps.
His physical appearance has changed significantly over the course of the seasons, becoming more sophisticated and more attractive. At first I was the typical nerd boy look, then going to wear more attractive and better groomed.
in third place in this small catalog are Dr. Sheldon Cooper, played by Jim Parsons The Big Bang Theory sitcom is in its fourth season.
Naturally, this character is going to differ from previous comic in origin, but is showing the most notorious intelligence versus behavior normal social.
Interestingly, as Spencer has eidetic memory and IQ of 187.
Sheldon is considered intellectually superior to all around him, is very egocentric, he is a theoretical physicist at the University, has two doctorates and an MBA, the first one got 15 years.
In the environment in which the characters move in the series, is considered a nerd by his love of comics, science and no social life.
have enormous difficulties in socializing and emotional displays a curious indifference, almost as if by about feelings.
is hypochondriac fears germs, not like physical contact and has no interest in romantic or sexual relationships.
have obsessive behaviors of all kinds.
Consider the social sciences as "farcical."
ultracientífico His thinking is, but her mother is a devotee of the religion.
As Bones and Spencer work in a team, Sheldon is always surrounded by friends and colleagues, who except Penny also fall into the category of persons with high intelligence.
fun in contact with Another participant in the catalog, there are those who promote the Dra.Temperance Brennan and Sheldon would make a great couple. They even have a Facebook page for this topic.
The three characters have in common is a genius with great intelligence and that costs horrors unfold as ordinary human beings, their love lives do not thrive, they are very good at their jobs and work as a team.
An extreme case (on film) would be the character of Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind, John Nash, a brilliant mathematician who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, which prevented him from leading a life normal.
did you think of this catalog? tell me what you think and leave some suggestions for a future list. Suck
that mandarin, Einstein!
Happy and Inspired week for everyone!
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