The blog where my friend, the restorer Fernández Cruz invites us to learn restoration, we will start a project together for learning classic upholstery where she will be the teacher and I the student and photographer for each of the steps. We are excited primarily because there is hardly anything about this on the net and believe it can be useful to many aficionados / as this exciting world.
Well, I leave with the introduction:

Inma: Hello. I unemployed and as I've always been a fan of restoration I decided to leave my profession, I am music, and try to redirect my working life to a profession that both provide income I amuse me. A painter friend who knows my situation I have commissioned a restoration work that has come to his studio. This is a chair that is in good condition. I am planning how to restore the restoration and I have it clear. Where I have little doubt is part of the tapestry. Can you help?
gusilina Workshop. Hello Inman. In these times of unemployment and uncertainty both me happy for your decision to take this profession as a work. It may be an appropriate time to resume those offices that were in danger of extinction as a response to many of the current crisis. One of those jobs to disappear is the traditional furniture upholstery seat. If you try to find an upholsterer you reupholster a chair mid-century it will be hard to find. There are few. Field can be a good job for you.
Inman. I like the idea. Where do I start?
gusilina Workshop. The first step shopping is to provide you with the basic equipment of an upholsterer. While other professions are a lot of variety of materials and tools, upholsterer team consists of a few common tools to other offices, few specific tools and some materials used for nearly all tapestries.
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