Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why Students Went Nuts Over Osama's Death

My blogroll is filled with posts analyzing why students in particular engaged in very tasteless displays of glee over Osama bin Laden being killed. Most of the explanations, as you can see from this post, are an exercise in inanity.  The authors of these weird explanations prefer to blabber about OJ Simpson's trial instead of looking at today's unemployment rate among young people. These kids are graduating from high schools and colleges only to realize how grim their prospects are. Unemployment, underemployment, crappy part-time jobs and living in your parents' basement for years to come - these are their main prospects. Students who are graduating from my university either can find no jobs at all or are offered ridiculous salaries of 10-12K per year. We keep hearing that the post-recession reality we are living today is "the new normal," and we should just get used to it.

So is there any wonder that these kids chose to release these tensions that must be bothering them every day in this way?

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