Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Should I Back the Blog Up on Wordpress? Or Move Altogether?

After the Blogger collapse last week, Blogger is still not functioning properly. Several widgets on my blog are not working and it takes longer than usual to load. The Dashboard has been working poorly for several weeks now. Other people who blog with Blogger report continued issues with posting and commenting. After the unpleasant experience of Blogger being down for 23 hours last week, I have realized that I don't want to remain without my blog. I love blogging with a passion and want to continue doing it for a very long time to come. I'm only just getting started here, and I've got a lot more things to say. A real lot. 

So I've started thinking that maybe Blogger should not be relied on. I read that there is an option to export one's blog to WordPress and leave it there as a back-up option. In this case, if Blogger goes down again, readers will simply go to the WordPress version and continue reading there. Or is it a stupid idea?

Or maybe I should move the blog to WordPress altogether? Are there any distinctive advantages that WordPress has over Blogger? Or is it an even more stupid idea? 

Does it make sense to buy one's own domain name? What are the benefits of doing that?

Please help, people, I'm torn and confused. I'm placing a poll in the top right-hand corner and will also be grateful if you elaborate in the comments.

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