Saturday, March 12, 2011

Why I Unfollowed Your Blog

I just cleaned my blogroll by unfollowing many of the blogs that I used to follow. I know that people are going to whine about how mean I am, so I will explain once and for all why I unfollowed them. There is a blogging etiquette that one should be aware of if one has been blogging for years. Of course, it's anybody's right not to follow the rules of this etiquette but then such people shouldn't complain that they are losing followers.

So these are the reasons why I unfollowed you:

1. You are rude. If I followed your blog out of the goodness of my heart just to give you a single follower, the least you could do would be return the favor. I don't care all that much about the number of followers. Many of my best readers can't be followers because they don't have their own Blogger profiles. I do, however, care about manners. When somebody does something just to be nice, you reciprocate.

2. You keep inundating my blogroll with endless posts explaining why you haven't blogged in a while and promising to write soon. This is simply disrespectful of a person's blogroll. Who has the time to sift through excuses in search of actual posts? I certainly don't.

3. You think that the fact that I followed your blog and left a few nice comments entitles you to persecute me with unsolicited advice on how to improve myself as a blogger, academic, and a human being.

4. You censored my comments that didn't have a single disrespectful word just because I expressed an opinion you disagree with politically while inundating everybody with posts on the importance of free speech. Hypocrite.

5. You are boring. People who know me in real life are aware that there is nothing worse I can say about a person than that they are boring. Every other defect can be forgiven and compensated for but boring people I simply can't stand. I'm willing to give anybody a chance to prove they are not boring but a time comes when the truth can no longer be denied. I can't see any more boring posts in my blogroll. 

6. You posted one too many photos of your cat. I can vaguely understand why people might love their cats. What I don't understand is why I should be expected to follow a blog that publishes a dozen posts with cat photos one after another.

As a result of these purges I now have only 203 blogs in my blogroll. This is not a lot since most people publish seldom and interesting posts are hard to find. Out of all these blogs I follow, I read very few on a regular basis. As for the rest, I just keep hoping that they will finally produce something worth reading but that almost never happens.

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